Cricket Azima, Founder of Cricket’s Candy Creations & The Creative Kitchen
Cricket Azima is a trained chef, author, educator, and founder of The Creative Kitchen and Kids Food Festival. She has more than 20 years of experience working with children through her cooking classes around New York City and her national festival. Cricket’s career is built on her authentic way of connecting with children through food and cooking. For more than two decades her family-centered classes, parties, and large-format festivals have made balanced eating anything but boring. She believes in providing alternative educational outlets for kids to pique creativity and learning through hands-on experiences.
👻 Favorite candy bar: Whatchamacallit or Butterfinger
🍍 Favorite gummy color: White/clear (pineapple)
Photography by Ghazalle Badiozamani
Ghazalle has been working in the commercial photography industry in NYC for the last 20 years. Her work spans a broad range of editorial and commercial projects, including advertising and marketing campaigns, food and product packaging, and nearly two dozen cookbooks, including a New York Times Bestseller. Ghazalle has photographed projects for a wide range of clients including Nespresso, SoftSoap, Whole30 and Bath & Body Works. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Illustration Photography from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.
Ghazalle is Persian-born, California-raised, and Brooklyn-dwelling. She brings her extensive experience in food, still life and lifestyle photography to all of her endeavors and is proud to be known as a creative problem solver who can do it all with a smile on her face.

Cricket’s Candy Creations is a proud supporter of The Association of Children’s Museums and the work of its members to ensure a healthy start in life—physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually — for all children.